Moshe Feldenkrais and Yoga

In 1958, a book “Yoga and Health” by Selvarajan Yesudian was published and Moshe Feldenkrais warmly welcomed the book and its author and appreciated Hatha Yoga. Among other things, he wrote the following:
“Every bodily practice is good if performed correctly, as every word is good if used correctly. Therefore, the point is to learn how to do, not what. So the point is to learn HOW to practice Yoga… The author is aware of this and dedicates a special chapter to slow movements.”
In January 1960, when Bala Krishnan (Indian yoga master) visited Israel, It was Dr. Feldenkrais who first went on stage to introduce yoga and a yoga master.
When Dr. Feldenkrais developed ATM lessons, he incorporated some yoga techniques and ideas, “transforming” them to fit the learning process in his method.
You can look at the Mindfulness Through Motion (ATM) lessons from this perspective, which are helping many to master asanas

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