In 1958, a book “Yoga and Health” by Selvarajan Yesudian was published and Moshe Feldenkrais warmly welcomed the book and its author and appreciated Hatha Yoga. Among other things, he wrote the following:
“Every bodily practice is good if performed correctly, as every word is good if used correctly. Therefore, the point is to learn how to do, not what. So the point is to learn HOW to practice Yoga… The author is aware of this and dedicates a special chapter to slow movements.”
In January 1960, when Bala Krishnan (Indian yoga master) visited Israel, It was Dr. Feldenkrais who first went on stage to introduce yoga and a yoga master.
When Dr. Feldenkrais developed ATM lessons, he incorporated some yoga techniques and ideas, “transforming” them to fit the learning process in his method.
You can look at the Mindfulness Through Motion (ATM) lessons from this perspective, which are helping many to master asanas

Abstract of a study about Tecarteraphy
Chronic non-specific low back pain (CNSLBP) is defined as back pain that lasts longer than 12 weeks. Capacitive and resistive electric transfer (TECAR) therapy utilizes radiant energy to generate endogenous heat and is widely used for the treatment of chronic...

Thank you All
It was a great week for us.Tseten is a great physio!! So happy that He is helping me with my patients!!! Happy to read all your feedbacks too.Feel free to book him Thursdays 10-7pmHis speciality BACK, NECK PAIN and all Muscles / joints issues! He is taking also one to...

Pain on top of Shoulder
If you are one of those people who gets shoulder pain right on top of the joint, chances are the problem is coming from somewhere in the shoulder joint itself. If the pain spreads more into the shoulder there may be a problem with the soft tissues. If you get pain...

Happy New Year
I wish you a great 2024 lot of health love and balance in your life and take care of your body, is only one! Happy New Year to everybody!Vi auguro un 2024 pieno di amore salute e abbiate cura del vostro corpo che ne abbiamo solo uno! Buon Anno a tutti!Les deseo a...

2024 My kick-ass
Goals To create a better version of ME.Having goals is a good way to focus attention on the things that are important. It allows us to create a vision of how we would like our life to be. When we have a goal, we tend to increase the amount of time and effort we spend...

Happy to introduce Tseten
Good Afternoon patients, friends and family. Happy to introduce Tseten Namgyal: he is new in Bristol and is working with me thursdays at Happyback Clinic. Let me to introduce better him: Year Qualified: 2019 Special Interests: MSK conditions, Pre and Post-operative...

Free physiotherapy assessment
Free Physiotherapy Assesment for Musculoskeletal Issues Good morning and happy Boxing Day. Thursday 28/12/23 and 11/01/24 we are giving Free assessments of physiotherapy at Happyback clinic. (Me and one of my colleagues: Tseten from Nepal). We are a friendly chartered...

Reduce your risk of falls
How to improve balance and reduce your risk of falls The good news is that yoga, tai chi, Feldenkrais and strength training have all been shown to improve balance, gait, and capacity to carry weight-- all of which lower the risk of falling. Yoga also helps with body...

Goals of Physiotherapy for Neck Pain
Goals of Physiotherapy for Neck Pain Physical therapy for neck pain typically includes the following goals: Reduce pain and stiffness Improve head and neck range of motion Develop dynamic strengthening of the neck and its supporting musculature Develop strategies to...

Back pain execises
Back pain execises Back pain is the most common issue we see as physiotherapists. Exercises for lower back pain are something else that should be included regularly in your daily routine, particularly if you are experiencing pain or stiffness ... A physiotherapist...