Acupunncture in physiotherapy

Your Physiotherapist will, along with you, decide if acupuncture is an appropriate course of treatment for you. Many patients find acupuncture very effective in supporting and treating their condition.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture involves stimulating sensory nerves under the skin and in the muscles by inserting fine needles into what are known as acupuncture points. The Physiotherapist will choose specific points to place the needles based on your condition.

What can be treated?

Acupuncture can be used to treat musculoskeletal conditions (of the bones and muscles) and pain conditions and we have found this to perfectly accompany manual physiotherapy.
Acupuncture is great at alleviating headaches which our team use on themselves rather than going for painkillers – ask them about it the next time you are visiting the practice!
Along with headaches, acupuncture is also successful with:

  • Lower back pain;
  • Neck and shoulder pain;
  • Fibromyalgia;
  • General pain relief;
  • Arthritis.

Client testimonial

“Thank you for my neck appointment yesterday. It has helped loads. I actually finished work today without a headache”

If you feel acupuncture would be a good source of treatment for you get in touch to book or enquire how it can help.

You can contact me by phone or Whatsapp 07455250006 or by email

Acupuncture - Neck treatment


Hand treatment

Shoulder and Back Treatment

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