
7 Years in partnership with Formthotics to deliver this fantastic product. Formthotics insole orthotic solutions have been in use for the last 30 years and have provided physiotherapists with an immediate solution to foot, ankle and lower limb biomechanical problems.These easy to apply and low-cost insoles can be added during our consultation to remedy an endless number lower limb problems.

These easy to fit insoles can be molded to your shoes and more importantly to your foot in a matter of minutes using a special heat molding machine. This saves time, allows you to rehabilitate pain free instead of waiting The machine softens the insoles cauing them to deepen at the appropriate sites to allow the foot to be manipulated, dropping the joint of the big toe down and supporting the instep of the foot, therby creating an arch support.

Using foot lower limb biomechanical knowledge, it is possible to influence the foot and dramatically enhance the efficiancy of the lower limb allowing a quick solution to running and lower limb pain.

What can Formthotics be used for?

  • Planterfasciitis;
  • Achilles Tenonitis / Tendinopathy;
  • Knee pain / Patella pain;
  • Shin Splints;
  • Runners Knee;
  • Lower Back Pain (where there is a clear biomechanical issue);
  • Bursitis of the Hip and Knee.
You can contact me by phone or Whatsapp 07455250006 or by email

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