Chronic non-specific low back pain

Chronic non-specific low back pain (CNSLBP) is defined as back pain that lasts longer than 12 weeks. Capacitive and resistive electric transfer (TECAR) therapy utilizes radiant energy to generate endogenous heat and is widely used for the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of manual therapy (MT) program combined with TECAR therapy in individuals with CNSLBP.

Materials and Methods:

Sixty adults with CNSLBP were divided equally into 3 groups.

First group followed an MT protocol in the lumbar region (MT group),
Second group followed the same MT protocol combined with TECAR therapy (MT + TECAR group) using a conventional capacitive electrode as well as a special resistive electrode, and the
third group (control group) received no treatment.

*Both intervention programs included six treatments over two weeks.


The application of an MT protocol with TECAR seems to improve pain and disability further than conventional MT in individuals with CNSLBP. The positive effect seems to be due to the combination of mechanical and thermal effects offered simultaneously by the two therapeutic methods. Moreover, the MT + TECAR combination seems to improve local sensitivity in the lumbar region more effectively. However, the greatest effect was found in fluid-poor tissue areas (such as tendons, joints, and bones) and less so in muscles. Finally, the thermal effect of TECAR seems to be responsible for improving mobility in the lumbo-pelvic region. In most measures, the improved values between the participants who followed the MT protocol with TECAR and the other groups were maintained for months after the end of the treatments. However, the short duration of the intervention only gives us some indications without allowing safe conclusions to be drawn. More long-term research in the future might be able to shed more light on the matter.

Keywords: chronic low back pain; manual therapy; capacitive and resistive electric transfer therapy

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Study about use of tecartherapy in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain.

Chronic non-specific low back pain

Use of Tecartherapy

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