Reduce your risk of falls

Reduce your risk of falls

How to improve balance and reduce your risk of falls The good news is that yoga, tai chi, Feldenkrais and strength training have all been shown to improve balance, gait, and capacity to carry weight– all of which lower the risk of falling. Yoga also helps with...
Few minutes of exercise

Few minutes of exercise

Experts say just a few minutes of exercise instead of sedentary behaviour can boost heart health Any activity – even sleeping or standing – is better for your heart than sitting down, research suggests. New evidence reinforces why sedentary behaviour is a killer and...
Benefits of walking after eating

Benefits of walking after eating

Benefits of walking after eating Walking is a low-impact exercise that’s easy on your joints and can be done just about anywhere. But, did you know there are specific benefits of walking after eating? Here are five benefits of walking after eating. Some of them...
Smart sitting

Smart sitting

Our bodies were not designed to sit in one position for so long – they were designed to move! Prolonged sitting increases the risk of developing injuries such as low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, frozen shoulder and headaches. The adPq latest research also...
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