Benefits of walking after eating

Benefits of walking after eating

Benefits of walking after eating Walking is a low-impact exercise that’s easy on your joints and can be done just about anywhere. But, did you know there are specific benefits of walking after eating? Here are five benefits of walking after eating. Some of them...
Treating Acute Back Pain

Treating Acute Back Pain

Most cases of acute back pain can be treated using self-help techniques: Medication Sitting Good posture; Back pain supplements; Driving Good posture; Compression packs; Remember, your spine likes movement. Try and change position every 20 – 30 minutes! There is no...
Moshe Feldenkrais birthday

Moshe Feldenkrais birthday

6th May 1904 – 6th may 2023An important anniversary The Feldenkrais Method was developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, a doctor of science and “engineer, physicist, inventor, martial artist, and student of human development,”. Born in Eastern Europe, he played soccer...
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