Tecartherapy and manual therapy

Tecartherapy and manual therapy

Tecartherapy is an ideal tool to add into manual therapy sessions. The Tecar deliver warmth at depth within the tissues, encouraging healing and reducing pain, inflammation and swelling. Capable of penetrating through all tissue types, from soft tissue to bone..Most...
Beneficial effects of Tecartherapy

Beneficial effects of Tecartherapy

Tecartherapy has shown beneficial effects on both healthy and symptomatic tissues. The increase in temperature was predominant in all tissues, with greater warming at depth than at the surface. In the treatment of symptomatic tissues, Tecartherapy showed a reduction...
How can acupuncture help?

How can acupuncture help?

After a full assessment with one of the specialist physiotherapists will see whether acupuncture may be suited to help you as part of your treatment. Single use fine needles are used at various ‘trigger’ points on the body depending on your symptoms and this will help...
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