Does a Physiotherapist Do Massage?

Does a Physiotherapist Do Massage?

Some Physiotherapists may also be trained in Sports Massage Therapy or Deep Tissue Massage, particularly if they regularly see athletic clients, or those that have ongoing musculoskeletal conditions.It has been found that such Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy...
World Physiotherapy Day

World Physiotherapy Day

World Physiotherapy Day In 1996, 8 September was designated as World PT Day. This is the date World Physiotherapy was founded in 1951. The day marks the unity and solidarity of the global physiotherapy community. It is an opportunity to recognise the work that...
Moshe Feldenkrais birthday

Moshe Feldenkrais birthday

6th May 1904 – 6th may 2023An important anniversary The Feldenkrais Method was developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, a doctor of science and “engineer, physicist, inventor, martial artist, and student of human development,”. Born in Eastern Europe, he played soccer...
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