Working at Home - Easy Exercises

Working from home? Try building the following exercises into your working day to help avoid aches and pains associated with being sedentary.
Make sure you move regularly throughout the day to help reduce stress.
Break up prolonged periods of sitting with short bursts of activity to improve your mental health and circulation. This can be small amounts of light walking, moving around the house, cleaning, gardening or going up and down the stairs every 30 minutes.
Increasing your daily activity and doing some more structured exercise such as a brisk walk outside, yoga or weight training can reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.
Simple stretches, designed by expert physiotherapists, can help ease the aches and pains associated with sitting for long periods at home:

  • The chest stretch;
  • The leg stretch;
  • The sit stretch;
  • The Perfect’ posture?
  • Wall press START WITH 20 sec but your goal is to achieve 60 sec each exercises.

If you have questions you can contact me by phone or Whatsapp 07455250006 or by email

Working at Home - Easy Exercises
The chest stretch

The chest stretch

The leg stretch

The leg stretch

The sit stretch

The sit stretch

The Perfect posture

The Perfect posture

Wall press

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