Why cracking your own neck is bad!
We’ve all seen people “crack” their necks to try to relieve pain or stiffness. When you crack your neck, the action releases gas or fluid from the joints surrounding the neck. The cracking, usually makes you feel better temporarily. However, it doesn’t alleviate the underlying problem.
Those of us who specialize in sports medicine see neck stiffness all the time in athletes and non-athletes alike. If you constantly feel the need to crack your neck, it’s likely because you have hyper-mobility, or a larger than normal range of motion, in your neck joints. Self-cracking only affects the least resistant joints. However, the joints that are really stuck remain so.
What Kind of Damage Does Repeated Self-Cracking Do?
If you are constantly cracking your neck, pressure will build up in the joints. This causes the surrounding ligaments to stretch to unstable levels and the cartilage in your vertebrae to wear down. This can cause osteoarthritis, which is serious, irreversible and painful. It also causes even greater stiffness.
Why Should You See a Professional?
When you crack your neck, you are only getting to the most mobile joints, but not to the other ones that are truly stuck. That’s why you still feel the repeated need to do it.
Before treating your neck problem, it is essential to do an examination and determine the underlying cause of your chronic pain or stiffness. While it’s usually nothing serious. It’s important to share all of your symptoms, such as headaches, with your doctor to better help him diagnose the problem.
Often, skilled joint manipulation and mobilization help work out the soft tissue lesions that are causing the pain and stiffness. This should take care of the underlying issue and reduce the need to crack your neck.
Physiotherapists provide patients with the optimal care and treatment for their neck and other musculoskeletal issues. We also advise them on changes they can make in their daily lives to prevent the problems from reoccurring or worsening. To schedule an appointment, call or contact us online.
I work in BS5 AND BS8 Bristol for your convenience.

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