What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese art of treating pain in which thin needles are inserted into the skin. It does not contain any drugs or medicines.
According to the general theory of Acupuncture, it says that Energy (Qi) in our body flows in a certain pattern (described as Meridians), by inserting the needles along the pattern activates to generate more Qi, which helps in improving our health.
Benefits and uses of Acupuncture
- Increases our Body Energy (Qi): one of the main reasons for getting acupuncture is to increase our Body Energy or Qi. Thin acupuncture needles are pricked along the course of Meridian patterns on our body which releases the Qi that helps in keeping our body healthy and fight against the pain.
- Chronic Pain: whether it is due to muscle tightness, physical stress, and poor sleeping habits, pain that last forever is annoying. It interrupts with your daily activities, and sometimes it can even disable you. That’s when you should refer yourself to get acupuncture. It helps in managing Chronic Pain.
Why choose a physiotherapist for Acupuncture?
I am an Acupuncture physiotherapist, member of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapist (AACP).
So, the acupuncture that you receive with me, is based on recent researches and improvements… With good hands-on experience, it will be performed under the guidelines to avoid any complications of Acupuncture.
Contact me to find out more or to book an appointment.
Let’s keep our bodies healthy and fight pain.