Acupuncture and CTS

Acupuncture and CTS

A promising study showing preliminary evidence that incorporating acupuncture into physiotherapy treatments when treating carpal tunnel syndrome may be more effective.Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy of the upper limb – yet...
Scoliosis and Usain Bolt

Scoliosis and Usain Bolt

Scoliosis could not stop Usain Bolt from becoming – The Fastest Man!When my patients with chronic back pain ask me if their scoliosis are the reason of their pain …I am always telling them, that Bolt has scoliosis, just like them. My patients’s eyes lit up with wonder...
Adductor muscles injury

Adductor muscles injury

Groin Strain The adductor muscles are most commonly injured while people are playing sports or being active. Typically people will feel a sudden pain after a certain movement.As with most injuries, it is important to stop the activity and then rest ice, and provide...
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