Achilles Injury is a degenerative condition of the tendon itself. Achilles tenosynovitis is a similar condition of the sheath which surrounds the tendon rather than the tendon itself.
In terms of symptoms, they are very very similar and it is practically impossible to differentiate between the two conditions without investigations such as MRI or ultrasound scans. In a large number of cases, both conditions exist together. As a treatment for the two conditions is much the same, an exact diagnosis is often not necessary.
Treatment is similar to that of Achilles tendonitis/tendinopathy.

  • Rest;
  • Cold therapy;
  • Medication;
  • Electrotherapy: Electrotherapy treatments such as Tecartherapy, ultrasound or shock wave also help reduce pain and inflammation;
  • Exercises: Providing it is comfortable to do so, gently stretch the calf muscles (Foam roller) and eccentric calf exercises;
  • Injections: corticosteroid injection may be administered;
  • Acupuncture for achilles tendnopathy: acupuncture is stellar at treating any type of tendon issue and drastically reducing the amount of healing time required.

Please do less if is painful. Find this helpful? Share it with your friends! If you have any questions please feel free to send me txt or e-mail.

Prevention and treatment of Achilles tendonitis
Anatomy of Achilles tendon

Exercises for Achilles tendonitis or tenosynovitis

Shockwave therapy for Achilles tendonitis or tenosynovitis

Acupuncture for Achilles tendonitis or tenosynovitis


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