Romyna Menendez Physiotherapy


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Tecartherapy and manual therapy

Tecartherapy and manual therapy

Tecartherapy is an ideal tool to add into manual therapy sessions. The Tecar deliver warmth at depth within the tissues, encouraging healing and reducing pain, inflammation and swelling. Capable of penetrating through all tissue types, from soft tissue to bone..Most...

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Beneficial effects of Tecartherapy

Beneficial effects of Tecartherapy

Tecartherapy has shown beneficial effects on both healthy and symptomatic tissues. The increase in temperature was predominant in all tissues, with greater warming at depth than at the surface. In the treatment of symptomatic tissues, Tecartherapy showed a reduction...

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Tecartherapy and manual therapy

Tecartherapy and manual therapy

Tecartherapy is an ideal tool to add into manual therapy sessions. The Tecar deliver warmth at depth within the tissues, encouraging healing and reducing pain, inflammation and swelling. Capable of penetrating through all tissue types, from soft tissue to bone..Most...

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Beneficial effects of Tecartherapy

Beneficial effects of Tecartherapy

Tecartherapy has shown beneficial effects on both healthy and symptomatic tissues. The increase in temperature was predominant in all tissues, with greater warming at depth than at the surface. In the treatment of symptomatic tissues, Tecartherapy showed a reduction...

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Romyna Menendez and a patient


My competencies

I am functional manual therapist
Romyna Menendez Physiotherapist

Romyna Menendez

Logo Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Logo of Acupunture Associationof Chartered Physiotherapists
Logo Sapienza University Rome
Logo Health and Care Professions Council
Logo of Agile

My services

Physiotherapy, Feldenkrais®, Acupuncture
Physiotherapy - Shoulder and Back Massage


Massage Therapy
Massage therapy involves relieving your tension in specific muscles that have built up due to injury or stress. These massage techniques help you to get the blood flowing which speeds up the recovery process. Doing massages can help you with:
• Relaxation
• Helps circulation
• Reduces muscle tension
• Reduces pain
• Removes toxins and waste products from your body
Tecar Puls


Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
I can assist in helping you
• understand and manage your MSK problem better
• improve your movement and strength
• maximise your function e.g. climbing stairs, returning to football
MSK Physiotherapy may not help if you
• have longstanding aches and pains especially if these are widespread
• you have received no benefit from physiotherapy in the past
• you are attending the pain clinic for the same problem.
Romyna Menendez Physiotherapist Bristol


Orthopedic Physiotherapy
Orthopaedic Conditions treated by us at the physio-company include:
• Ligament Strain, Sprain or tear
• Fracture Rehabilitation
• Inflammation of tendons or Bursa
• Osteo -Arthritis
• Rheumatoid – Arthritis
• Osteoporosis
• Anklyosing Spondylitis
• Scoliosis
• Spondylolisthesis
• Spondylolysis
• Surgical Rehabilitation of Hip,Shoulder,Knee and Foot/Ankle
Romyna Menendez and a young patient with an elastic band

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Something about Me

Romyna MenendezMy name is Romyna  and I am a musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner® with 15 years of experience in Orthopaedic and neurological Physiotherapy.

I graduated in Physiotherapy from The Sapienza University of Rome in 2005 and in 2009 I graduated from the four-year Feldenkrais training with Ruthy Alon. I am a member of the Italian Feldenkrais Guild.​

I held a clinical position at the Israelite Hospital in Rome, leading the inpatient and outpatient neurological and orthopaedic rehabilitation teams for many years before moving to Bristol.

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What Patient say about me

We are proud to offer a wide range of comprehensive services to meet the needs of adults, seniors, and pediatric patients.


Tennis Elbow

Romina is a very professional and friendly physiotherapist. She is really knowledgeable and can explain things clearly and easy to understand.

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Romyna is one of the best physiotherapists I've ever had. She is very professional, with ample experience, and also a highly sensitive person.

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Back Problems

Romyna is an excellent professional. She has been treating me for years and ever since then my back problems have improved or disappeared.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can read the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
What exactly is physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is a treatment that can be given patients in order to aid with pain relief, healing and rehabilitation of injuries, pain, medical and surgical conditions. The treatment is often recommended for a variety of muscular, joint and nerve conditions that may be the result of injury, illness or disability.

Physiotherapists will treat the patient using hands-on techniques. Aside from the included manual treatment, physiotherapists can also use electro medical  treatments, acupuncture and  giving you good advice on how to alter your lifestyle which can reduce the possibility of further muscular pain and joint problems, as well as providing you with exercises to take care of chronic conditions.

Is physiotherapy the same as massage?
Physiotherapy will introduce massage techniques if it is a suitable treatment to aid in a patient’s recovery however; it is more than a massage. Treatments can range from manual therapy which moves the joints, soft tissue mobilisation which would introduce a massage, to acupuncture, exercises and many more.
What problems can physiotherapy help with?
There is a wide variety of health conditions that physiotherapy can aid with, many of these conditions are in relation to the bones and joints, nerves, and soft tissues. Achieve Physiotherapy specialises in the assistance of conditions such as: arthritis; sports injuries; antenatal and postnatal; post operative recovery; back and neck pain; issues with the bones and joints and issues that occure in the occupational/corporate workplace environment.
What does treatment involve?
Upon meeting a physiotherapist, they will initially begin a full assessment and physical examination in order to determine the nature of the patient’s condition, as well as the cause. Following this, the impact of the condition will be reviewed, as will the patient’s medical history to establish, in mutual agreement with the patient’s wishes, which treatment is most suitable and will then compile a tailored treatment programme.
How should I dress?
It is advised that patients wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. Bear in mind that a physiotherapist will need to visually assess a patient regarding posture and movement, and will possibly need to move various areas of the body, thus these areas will need to be visible and assessable. Additionally, when the treatments involve manipulation and massage the site of injury will need to be exposed.
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